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5 Fun Films to watch and learn English from

Here's a list of my favourite films that are fun to watch and learn the English Language at the same time.

1. Harry Potter Series- This has to be at the top. I've been following it from the time the franchise came into limelight, perhaps 2003. Both books and movies retain the British feel in its setting, appearance, actors and the dialogues, of course! You are not only going to learn everyday words and gain some school conversation tips but get ready to be mesmerised by the magical plot. It's like a drug, watching one shall not be enough. 

2. Becoming JaneYes, you guessed it right, it is the biopic on the life of Jane Austen. Apart from Anne Hathaway's endearing performance and the English village of Hampshire, you have the heart-throb James McAvoy to look forward to. His native British accent and the brewing romance between Miss Austen and Mr Lefroy shall keep you hooked till the end.

3. AtonementTeenagers can be vicious and often do not understand the consequences of their decisions and statements. Assuming that you're an adult, it's a must-watch. No matter how unromantic, wanna-be tough you are, this 2 hrs 10 mins, 2007 romantic war drama is sure to leave you with a sense of lamentation. Who better than the London born-Keira Knightley to teach you some English!
4. Coco- Fan of Animation films and not watched Coco yet, what have you watched then? The mystical land of the dead brought alive by Pixar Animation with the adorable Mexican-English accent, catchy music and cute Coco. It's a complete package.
5. The Man Who Knew InfinityMy list is incomplete without this one. The British biographical drama about the Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan is a reminder to the Indian audience of what and whom they've forgotten. Dev Patel in the lead carries the bromance between Ramanujan and Hardy to an altogether different level. You are going to get a mix of the Indian and British accent in this film. Watch it to see what happens when cappuccino is mixed with Latte.


  1. Thank you so much miss ...😊

  2. Thank you miss and I'll surely watch them...☺️

  3. It will surely be helpfull for us....thank uh missπŸ™ƒ

  4. List of my favourite ❤️ movies.Thank u miss

  5. Great blog , Well those who are bored during this quarantine period will surely love to see them .πŸ‘πŸ‘

  6. Thank you I have seen all these movies they are great especially Coco and Harry Potter (the philosophers throne)


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