I do not expect you to begin with Dan Brown's Inferno. However, once you are determined that you've to read, write and speak good English, it's time to develop a reading habit. Here's a list of fiction that shall certainly kindle the reader in you.
Little Women- Blanket, Christmas and Louisa May Alcott's book-You're set. I'd recommend the abridged version for the beginners. Now a successful
Motion picture, the March sisters and lovely Lowrie have a treat in store for you. Each one with their individual characteristics and speciality. The romantic angle-triangle shall intrigue the teens. Above all, you feel the words come to life with each page.
Swami and Friends- RK Narayan has given a memory of a lifetime with his creation. You re-visit your childhood with the episodes of Swami. If not many, there is at least one story that you can relate to. Read this Indian bundle of joy to awaken the kid in you and enrich your vocabulary.
David Copperfield- Charles Dickens is for every age. Portraying the emotions like no other writer, it's a must-read for all beginners. You'll love each character and the emotional
turmoil they go through. A beautiful end is what all wait for, after all! (Access the pdf of the book here
David Copperfield)
Short Stories By Anton Chekov- This Russian author is considered one of the best short story writers. His popular works include A story without a Title, The Bet, The Lottery ticket and many more. You can access them for free online as well. His stories are a roller-coaster ride. Access them
How I taught my grandmother to Read and Other Stories- Sudha Murthy, a prolific Indian writer has perhaps written this for every child to remember his/her Grandma. It is not just an easy English book to read but an endearing collection to make you feel affectionate towards your grandparents and the relations Indian society values.